We are a small friendly stove shop in beautiful Orford NH specializing in antique wood cook stoves, especially Atlantic, Crawford and Glenwood. We buy, sell and restore antique stoves. We can also provide parts and help you with your own restoration project. We fell in love with these stoves while visiting a friend (Tom Johnson) at his camp in northern Florida with a Glenwood C cook stove that he’d brought there from NH. I got to cook on his stove in Florida and knew I wanted one in our home. The first stove we bought was a Sunny Glenwood but we were hooked and kept on collecting. Jim is a master of many trades and restoring these beautiful antiques came naturally and shows in his finished product. We are exited and look forward to showing you our stoves and or helping you with your own restoration project.
Note: Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing a stove. We may consider adding an automatic shopping cart system as time goes on, but at this point, we would like to help you directly with your purchase. Thank you!